Tim's unexciting SCUBA Page -- Rottnest

Scuba Diving in Rottnest

Rottnest Island is located off of Perth in the Indian Ocean. Its about a half hour by boat and can be reached by small plane. The entire island is ilke a state park and there is no private land ownership but there are a number of places to stay on the island incuding traditional hotels, a youth hostels and a number of lodges that can be rented by the week.

The only dive shop on the island is Malibu Diving and they run a good operation.

The weather was not very good and there was a great deal of surge. I have put many pictures up at here. I have larger pictures if you see something interesting.

There are many coral tunnels and small caves near the island. Its well worht visiting. The island gets busy durring school holidays.

    My ranked list of dive spots:
  1. The Great Barrier reef off the north east cost of Australia
  2. Sharm El Shake Egypt in the Red Sea
  3. Key Largo
  4. Moorea in French Polyneisna
  5. Rottnest Island Western Australia
  6. Tahiti
  7. Port Phillip Bay
  8. Bull Sholes Lake on the Missouri/Arkansas border
  9. Quaries anywhere
  10. Kaw Lake in Oklahoma

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